Social Security cost of living bump

I heard a cynical comment to the recent announcement of a 5.9% cost of living adjustment to Social Security benefits, “Oh that is just Biden attempting to buy votes!

Just a few bits of data for grinding the old mental gears on:

  1. The current US monthly inflation rate is running north of 5%. If that continues the COLA will be mostly wiped out by inflationary pressures. The consumer price index is in the same ballpark. I’ve not researched it, but I do not believe past COLAs have kept up with inflation.
  2. A recent study found that 40% of Americans are living solely on Social Security. Forbes, among others, disputes this study as being inaccurate and biased (for my part, I always assume Forbes has a conservative agenda to push).  Whatever the real number is, there are a fair number of our fellow citizens solely reliant on SS benefits for their daily bread.
  3. Pension — Less than one-third (31%) of Americans are retiring with a defined benefit pension plan today. For those who do retire with a pension plan, the median annual pension benefit is $9,262 for a private pension, $22,172 for a federal government pension, and $24,592 for a railroad pension.
  4. The average 401(k) balance for a 65 year old is $216, 720, but the median amount is $64,548. By definition, the implication is that 50% of this age group has less than $64,548 in these types of plans. At 65 you have a good chance of living another 15 or 20 years…not a lot of savings for that time frame.
  5. They talk about the 3 pillars of retirement: Social Security, a defined benefit plan (pension) and savings, 401(k) etc. Most of us are sitting on 1 or 2 legged stools.
  6. The average Social Security benefit was $1,543 per month in January 2021. The maximum possible Social Security benefit for someone who retires at full retirement age is $3,148 in 2021. The average amount works out to $18,516 a year.  A 5.9 % bump works out to $91 a month.  I am reasonably sure the commenter would think he was living in poverty at twice or even thrice the average annual amount.
  7. Purely anecdotal, but when I was in college I did a survey for the Department of Transportation about the need for public transportation in under-served areas. The area I surveyed happened to have a high percentage of retirees. One of the questions on the survey was about income.  Of course, people will almost always lie about two things, money and sex  However, many of these folks were very open about giving me their income information (I did not ask about their sex lives… that would not have been professional).   It was very scary what some folks were trying to live on, many of them solely dependent on a SS check.  I vowed then to work towards having a retirement not solely dependent on SS.

Continue reading “Social Security cost of living bump”

Typo in Joan of Arc by Mark Twain article

One of our subscribers, channeling his inner Mark Twain, pointed out a typo in my blog posting: Joan of Arc by Mark Twain.

“immorality of the soul” – I think he did believe in that

Immortality, on the other hand, he might have struggled with

Here at we are always open to corrections, and semi-open to differing opinions since we consider ours as the unsolicited, unreasoned, uninformed and unapologetic ramblings of a very tired old Okie.

And so it goes.

Joan of Arc by Mark Twain

I would have to call this book a two-fer. You have a historical novel, accurate in its facts about the subject, Joan of Arc, delivered by a masterful story teller, Mark Twain. It was the last book of Twain’s published while he lived, and he considered it his best work.  Who am I to argue with Samuel Clemens?  It is remarkable that this book is not better known.  I had no idea until a few weeks ago that he had written such a book.  I had bought a two volume set Continue reading “Joan of Arc by Mark Twain”

Cuz he can…

Señora and I decided to have a wild couple’s night out, something we had not done for quite some time due to COVID.  We have gone out to dinner a few times, always attempting to dine outside, but we went absolutely crazy Saturday evening.  First we went to one of our favorite restaurants in the metro area, a Vietnamese restaurant, Pho Grand. As always, they came through, and we both had a very enjoyable meal.

St. Louis has an iconic folk music venue, The Focal Point. The term folk music seems to be morphing into the category of roots music, but a rose is a rose.   We are both big aficionados of this style of music and Continue reading “Cuz he can…”

Word of the Day – Croquis

  • Noun: Croquis
    1.  a rough draft
  • Synonyms: (Being a stolen French word in specialized use in the art world, not many English synonyms found)
    1. sketch
    2. line drawing
    3. cartoon???
    4. under-drawing
  • Usage:
    1. “But what’s your ultimate goal, you’ll say. That goal will become clearer, will take shape slowly and surely, as the croquis becomes a sketch and the sketch a painting…”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading a didactic wall panel at the Beyond Van Gogh exhibit here is St. Louis

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day

Rev. Joe Uncovers an International Conspiracy

Señora and I are friends with a couple, Harry and Susan, who live a little north of Chicago.  A few weeks ago they drove down to visit their son in Springfield, IL, and afterwards they passed a couple days in the St. Louis area to visit with us and Susan’s sister.  We had dinner with them one night on our patio and dinner the next night at her sister’s house.  After dinner each night we passed many agreeable hours on our patio gabbing and partaking of water and sunlight that nature had graciously turned into the pleasant and pleasing beverage called wine.

On the night we ate dinner at our house we were having a bit of a problem with flies.  I started talking about wanting to get one of those guns that shoots salt in order to hunt down flies.  A week or so after their visit, there arrived an unexpected package Continue reading “Rev. Joe Uncovers an International Conspiracy”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #3,935

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’m frequently perplexed as to whether the human race is advancing or not.  One area where we seem to be going backwards is in written communications.  There are a few reasons for this, but big ones are platforms such as Twitter that only allow 256 – up from 128 –characters per posting and texting.  Both promote the use of abbrvs. and acronyms, LOL. They also encourage the use of emojis, those ubiquitous smiley faces and other such small cartoons used as shortcuts for emotional content.

My text app has recently exploded with various emojis and other small images.  I type in beer and a picture of a mug of beer appears. I type in disrespectful and a scowling, purplish face appears, and so many more.

Pretty soon we will eliminate all cascades of letters symbolizing various concepts in favor of the new hieroglyphics.   King Tut and his Egyptian cohorts would be so proud.