A Southern, Jewish Tradition – Revisited

I originally published the article below  in 2014, and since it is about to be the first of the year, I thought that it would be a good time to revisit it.  One thing that has changed is that instead of Señora doing the cooking on New Year’s Day, it is yours truly.  And just for the record my collard greens are to die for… if I say so myself.

I performed this tradition when I was single, but then it consisted of the opening up a can of black-eye peas and a package of frozen turnip greens and Continue reading “A Southern, Jewish Tradition – Revisited”

Spiritual Quotient

I encountered the following article while scanning the news Monday morning, 13 Types of Intelligence (Which Ones Are You?), The fact that they found 13 types of intelligence peaked my curiosity enough to cause me to click the bait.  I knew about IQ, Intelligence Quotient, being blessed to be somewhere on the right side of that famous bell curve. I knew about EQ, Emotional Quotient, mainly because one of my former intimate partners once shoved a cassette tape (yeah, that long ago) into my face (well my hands) telling me that I needed to listen to it as I had an EQ…wait for it… of zero.

I am not sure I agree with their thesis that there are so many different types of intelligence. However, of the 13 types of intelligence listed in the article the one that captured my attention the most was, Continue reading “Spiritual Quotient”

What Do You Know About the Constitution?

I recently watched on Wondrium a very interesting and worthwhile pair of courses on the US Constitution taught by Eric Berger, a professor at the University of Nebraska Law School. The two courses were:

I am currently in the process of watching:

While the US Constitution is not that long and is not that hard to read, reading it and understanding it are two distinct things.  Both of the first two courses are good, but the second was more interesting to me as Continue reading “What Do You Know About the Constitution?”

Word of the Day – Gerontophilia

  • Noun:  Gerontophilia
    1. sex attraction toward old persons 
      • at least on “da web”, it always seems to be considered a paraphilia although it is not described in the DSM
      • further more “da web” seems to only really consider it a paraphilia when it is a younger man attracted to a much older woman, go figure.
  • Synonyms:
    1. gerophilia
  • Usage:
    1. “The two drunk philosophers debated hotly for hours  as to whether Auguste Rodin’s statue ,The Old Courtesan (La Belle qui fut heaulmière), was an expression of gerontophilia or not.” — Oh yea of little faith, thinking I could not use the word gerontophilia in a sentence that made any real sense! Oops, just did it again.
  • Encountered:
    1. Señora and I were sitting on the love seat in the family room when I said something to her that was playful, but extremely raunchy.  For the sake of us, neither of us can remember what it was. For reasons she does not remember – the senior moments just keep stacking up – she put whatever the phrase was into Google.  The first thing that popped up was the definition of gerontophilia. And thus we both learned a new word.

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day

Drag Queens in Chesterfield

Looking at the local news online this morning, this story – of course, from the local FOX news outlet – was leading the pack : ‘A Drag Queen Christmas’ show sparks heated protest in Chesterfield.

I thought for a minute that a tornado must have grabbed the whole town I live in, Chesterfield, Missouri, and dumped it in Oklahoma while I slept.  But no, we’re still here.  I had to remind myself that I live in Missouri and in the particularly onerous 2nd district, the district which has given us such Republican notables as Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin and Ann “What Climate Change” Wagner.

Since the protesters stated that the drag queens were slapping God Continue reading “Drag Queens in Chesterfield”

The House of the Spirits: A Novel by Isabel Allende

Peru has been in the news frequently as of late.  They are on their fifth or sixth president in about as many years.  There are riots in the street in which several folks have died.  The left wing president who attempted to take “executive” control of the country was impeached and has been sentenced to 18 months in jail.  For the first time in its history, Peru has a woman President, but it would surprise me if she stayed in office long. All of which started me thinking about this novel again, which will be clearer as to why if you are brave enough to trudge on.

I actually finished this novel three or four months ago in the Spanish language edition, La casa de los espíritus.  It took me a bit to get through it.  First it is 552 pages.  Secondly when I read a Spanish novel Continue reading “The House of the Spirits: A Novel by Isabel Allende”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #6,041

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was messing around on a website and the website wanted me to elected a personal pronoun to continue.

Apparently, “No f**** way!”, is not an acceptable response.

I see myself as more than a little liberal. There is no need to be jamming folks up in boxes of acceptability. If it makes you happy, be happy.  I might not want to hang with you, but hey you might not want to hang with me.  We’ll just move on and do our own thing. Life and the two of us will be just fine.

However, this whole woke culture, this whole overly political correct police, is about to turn me into a fanatical reactionary, the bunch of namby pambies.

Kudos to Missouri American Water

Friday evening along about 1900 hours a neighbor called my wife reporting that we had a new water fountain in our front yard, but in all likelihood it was not going to make her happy. Sure enough she was right on both accounts.  About six or seven feet in from the sidewalk towards our house was an impressive gusher of water. From the volume and force I was reasonably sure it was a water main break of the line that transverses across our front yard, but I had a vague fear it was not, that it might be our service line.  I began to have visions of dollar bills flowing out of our bank account quicker than from the hands of a drunken sailor on his first shore leave in six months.

If I had thought a minute longer I would called the water company, but my first impulse was to call Continue reading “Kudos to Missouri American Water”