Quote of the Day – Andy Borowitz

“U.S.A. the Envy of World After Ten Billion Dollars in Campaign Ads Changes Almost Nothing
‘When you imagine what you could do with ten billion dollars, you immediately think of building new roads or schools,” a citizen of Montenegro said. “But America’s roads and schools must be in excellent shape, if they can afford to spend ten billion dollars on elections instead.’” ~~ Andy Borowitz

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

My new nickname?

I don’t remember exactly when my mother went into the nursing home, but it is pushing ten years that she has been in one or the other.  Her health is reasonable, but she suffers from dementia, Alzheimer’s to be specific.  This September she will be ninety.  The first half of her time in nursing homes she knew I was someone, but for the last several years she has had no clue who I am.

I do not visit her near as often as I should or would like to.  I live in a suburb of St. Louis, and she is in Continue reading “My new nickname?”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,799

yeah I know you did not ask!

In a post I used the phrase “in the Weinhaus-Rush household”, being a senior with a floppy neural network (do they make a Viagra for that?), I began to play around with the meanings of our two last names.

All my life people have made puns or jokes on my last name.  In the start of the Cold War era in the fifties it was, “Hey David, are you a Rush-AN?” During the hippie sixties it was, “Man, what a rush”, referring, of course, to the effects of drugs, generally said as someone passed me in the hallways at school.  My least favorite has been, “Hey, RUSH Limbaugh.” I quickly dissuaded folks from the use of that obnoxious appellation in regards to me.  And there is always the omnipresent jest, “Hey what’s your rush, Rush.” For the purpose of this randomness we are going with sixties version.

Indubitably, you are aware that Weinhaus is German for wine house as in the anglicized name, Amy Winehouse.

So our household is the Wine House Rush or perhaps the Rush Wine House.  Apparently, we are running some sort hippie opium den tavern/pub/wine bar.  Man, what a rush! Y’all come on down here, hear, aprisa, before the Ruskies  and MAGAs take over.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,959

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’m down in Chesterfield Valley, the local generica full of strip malls and chain stores,  waiting at a stop light behind a smallish SUV with multiple bumper stickers.  The one that caught my eye was “Abolish ICE“.

I thought, “Well we are already doing a pretty good job of that, the way we are ignoring the impending climate change disaster.” Then I noticed their “Combat Climate Change” bumper sticker, and went, “naayy.”

I then wondered about hockey, thinking that could be a dangerous sticker in this area full of fanatical St. Louis Blues hockey fans.

Indubitably, they were referring to the federal agency, U.S. Immigration  and Customs Enforcement, commonly known as ICE.  Without question, ICE is overzealous far too much of the time, but I don’t think I would want to abolish the agency completely.

The way traffic was I never did see the person driving, but obviously an activist individual.

Word of the Day – Ginormous

  • Adjective:  Ginormous
    1. Extremely large
  • Synonyms:
    1. colossal
    2. enormous
    3. gigantic
    4. humongous
    5. monumental
    6. tremendous
    7. epic
    8. mammoth
    9. massive
    10. elephantine.
  • Usage:
    1. St. James: The Book of the 7 Dispensation is a 108-page notebook written by the janitor James Hampton. It was discovered after Hampton’s death in 1964, alongside a ginormous sculpture depicting the throne of god.” 
      • I started to make up my own sentence, but for once in my life I decided to be good, not wanting to offend deblynn07. Besides the one from the article works nicely, and there is no need to be telling ginormous lies.
  • Encountered:
    1.  While reading a click bait article on the web entitled, 5 Bizarre Books and Texts No One Understands. I thought that perhaps they were referring to such texts as Dante’s Inferno that cannot be understood without much study and hopefully many well thought out footnotes.  But no, they really did mean obscure and bizarre books that no one understands.

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day

Obituary – Neosho Weiss

Neosho Weiss, more intimately known as Osho, passed away in his sleep on the 4th of January, 2023.  For quite some time he had been in congestive heart failure, but with much love he had maintained a quality of life during this period.

He was the bosom buddy and constant companion of Adam Weiss.  When I say constant companion that is literally true.  Until the recent new business start up, with the way Adam worked , Osho and Adam were always together – 24/7. The exceptions being Continue reading “Obituary – Neosho Weiss”

Chilly on the outside, chili on the inside

click to see larger

My daughter, Keely, after graduating from UALR (University of Arkansas at Little Rock) and before entering law school at the University of Oklahoma, did several things to keep body and soul together.  After divorcing her first husband she went to work at the Poteau, OK newspaper, The Poteau Daily News. She worked first as a reporter, and then later was also one of the editors. As a reporter she once interviewed an active NFL quarterback, Jake Plummer of the Arizona Cardinals, who was in town as part of an advertising campaign.  I asked Keely what she thought of him.  Her reply was that he appeared to her as if he had been hit in the head one too many times.

Just as an aside, Poteau, which is on the Arkansas and Oklahoma border south of Ft. Smith, Arkansas, is known locally Continue reading “Chilly on the outside, chili on the inside”

Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5783.363

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

My 6′ 2″ self is sitting on the edge of the bed. Señora, all 5′ 2″ of her, standing at the foot of the bed, cutting her eyes between me and the juncture of the wall and ceiling above the bed, profoundly pronounces, “there sure are a lot of cobwebs up there.”

Apparently, once again, I opted for the incorrect response.  It definitely was not, “Well, you need to do something about that, don’t you?”

Perhaps if Señora would hand me a sheet of paper with the possible answers that were in a multiple choice format, and then give me sufficient time to study the answers…. nah, probably not, she would not let me get by with saying, “All of the above???”,  every time.

And so it goes.