Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,563

yeah I know you did not ask!

I am of mixed emotions.  There are rumors on the Internet – seemingly from Trump, principally – that Señor Trump is going to be indicted and arrested very soon.

Part of me would very much like to have a poster of his mug shot. The larger part of me cannot stand the thought of having to stare at his ugly mug, and thus does not want such a poster in my abode.  From the git-go, if Señor Trump was on television or radio, it has been channel or station changing time. My stomach could not stand watching or listening to this horrible waste of protoplasm. In a rational society, this man would be in an insane asylum… or, more properly, in prison.

What to do, what to do…

Quote of the Day – Mark Twain

But the truth is, that when a Library expels a book of mine and leaves an unexpurgated Bible lying around where unprotected youth and age can get hold of it, the deep unconscious irony of it delights me and doesn’t anger me.” ~~ Mark Twain in a  letter to Mrs. F. G. Whitmore, 7 February 1907

This was prompted by the removal of his book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the shelves of the children section of the Brooklyn Library – as I recall the story.  It might have been a different library, as it was banned from many.  The Brooklyn Library took issue with the use of sweat instead of perspire and from Huck itching and scratching all the time. Okay…

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

After 3 Years – Medicare Success

It only took the freak’n government – well, Medicare – three, count ém… 1… 2… 3… years to find the ‘i’ that they lost.  Perhaps if it had been a capital ‘I’ they could have done it in two years.

For reasons completely unknown to either one of us, Señora’s last name became misspelled in the Medicare system when she became Medicare eligible.  Somehow it went from Weinhaus to Wenhaus.  It was correct in the Social Security’s system, but wrong in Medicare.

No biggie, right? Wrong.  This has caused claims from doctors, hospitals, laboratories, etc. to be Continue reading “After 3 Years – Medicare Success”

Thinking About Your Ex

Guten morgen, Herr Doktor Freud,

This morning, flipping through the news on my phone as I drank my morning dose of caffeine, I came across the following article: Why Thinking About Your Ex Can Actually Be Beneficial, According To Research

It was really a fluff piece to allow the insertion of ads, but their bottom line summary was this:

“The bottom line is, if you fondly recall times with your ex, it doesn’t mean you don’t love your current partner. And in fact, it might actually benefit your relationship now. Of course, there’s a line between the occasional nostalgia trip and unhealthy preoccupation with your ex, but rest assured it’s A-OK to reminisce once in a while.”

Yup… you got it, it started me reminiscing about exes. Having one or two, I have described Continue reading “Thinking About Your Ex”

Types of Vanilla Ice Cream

Señora had a dental procedure that left her less than 100% and made food choices a little problematic.  The obvious solution was ICE CREAM, plus it always nice to receive a treat after such things.  Being the wonderful, dutiful helpmate of a spouse that I am, off to the supermarket I went. Well, Wally World as I had to pick a few things that were not to be found at Schnucks.

Looking in the frozen food case at this epitome of the Continue reading “Types of Vanilla Ice Cream”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,415

yeah I know you did not ask!

As you are cruising around your day, have you ever looked at person and thought, “This person has completely given up… on themselves, on life, en todo?” But then again, you never really know what journey someone has been on.

While, on occasion, I have felt that way for brief periods throughout my life, I have generally snapped out of it.  Most of my adult life I have exercised in one fashion or another.  Especially the last  two maybe two and half decades I have Continue reading “Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,415”

Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5783.071

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

Señora was not feeling well today, and since she was upstairs napping, I was the one to get the mail.  In that bundle of mostly spam, was a bill or two, and the monthly AARP magazine.

Since I was avoiding going to the basement to exercise, I read a couple articles in the magazine and worked the crossword puzzle. It seems AARP wants us seniors to feel good about ourselves as the crossword puzzle is seldom challenging. However, that is another topic.

I left the magazine open on the kitchen counter to an article titled on the cover as Sex in Your 70s, Yes Yes, Oh Yes, It Can Still Be Great.  Actually the Oh before the last Yes was my own addition.   In the body of the magazine the article was titled Start Your Own Sexual Revolution. After that, I ceased my procrastination and descended into the depths of our basement to work on keeping this magnificent body, well.. magnificent. Sometimes it takes a little work to hear that last “Ohhh… YES!”

When I came up from the exercise dungeon, I found Señora had been downstairs.  The AARP magazine was now open to an article about four old ladies lusting after Tom Brady.  Yes, Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field and Rita Moreno starring.

Seems to me there is a not so subtle message in there somewhere… if AARP would just make those crossword puzzles a little harder perhaps I would have the mental acuity to figure it out.

And so it goes.



I once heard the noted sexologist, well Bubba down at Smitty’s Bar and Grill, claim there are only four major types of orgasms.  The Negative Orgasm – “No, No, OHHHH NOOO!”. The Positive Orgasm – “Yes, Yes, OHHHH YESSS!”. The Religous Orgasm – “GOD, Oh GOD, Oh…. god….”.  And my personal favorite – “Oh David, Oh David, Ohhhh, DAVID!”

How Bubba knew about my personal favorite, I have yet to find out.

My 11th Great Aunt – Pocahontas

A while back I signed up on the Mormon genealogy site,  It is free, and has a ton of contributors.  Of course, like any crowd source data, it is not free of errors…and on occasion I have thought wishful thinking.   However, both sides of my family have been in this country since Europeans first step foot on these shores.  This is especially true on my father’s side that has many tentacles traceable to very ancient European and British Isle ancestors.

I had stumbled across this connection by myself, but FamilySearch sent me an email about connections to famous people, including Continue reading “My 11th Great Aunt – Pocahontas”

Word of the Day -Nonplussed

  • Adjective: Nonplussed
    1. unsure about what to say, think, or do : perplexed
    2. chiefly US : not bothered, surprised, or impressed by something
  • Synonyms:
    1. dazed
    2. bewildered
    3. confounded
    4. confused
    5. disconcerted
    6. muddled
    7. stupefied
    8. at a loss
    9. awestruck
    10. uncomprehending
    11. wonderstruck
  • Usage:
    1. “Can you be plussed?
      Interestingly, there is no word plussed. You can only be nonplussed. People are nonplussed when they’re astounded, exasperated, or at a loss. “I’m nonplussed,” you say when your mother tells you she’s marrying her 25-year-old personal trainer..”
  • Encountered:
    1.  Actually what happened was that I was going to use nonplussed in a sentence, and thought I, “am I using the word correctly?” Turns out I was if you go by the second definition that is chiefly US.  So I was, depending on my audience.  But then I stumbled on the little piece above.  I just love the sentence in red, two entirely different meanings depending on which definition you go with.

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day