Bloomsday – 16th of June

“Commemorating the life and legend of Irish writer James Joyce on Bloomsday, every June 16, we take a moment to honor and celebrate all we’ve gained from his works. The significance of June 16 is taken from his 1922 novel, Ulysses, which takes place on June 16, 1904, and follows a day in the life of the story’s protagonist (Leopold Bloom). It is also the day Joyce went on his first date with his then wife-to-be, Nora Barnacle. Either way, National Bloomsday commemorates these two occasions every year on June 16. The story of Leopold Bloom is recognized as one of Continue reading “Bloomsday – 16th of June”

A Couple Thought Experiments

I have read a few books and watched several Wondrium courses on Mesoamerica cultures, the Mayans and the Aztecs,  among others.  Add works on the Incas, other cultures of South America,  and  the tribes of North America to this mix of education as entertainment.  On the North American tribes, I have watched a couple of courses on their early period and another one on 18th, 19th and 20th century treatment and fate of the Native Americans.  None of the sources paints Continue reading “A Couple Thought Experiments”

June 9th: A National Day I Can Finally Get Into!

National Sex Day – June 9th

Grab your favorite love interest(s) this June 9th – or any other day – and celebrate the most wonderful of human pass times. Remember that there are many health benefits of sex, including lower blood pressure levels and a form of stress release. So, just in case you need an excuse…. doctor’s orders.

There truly is a day for everything and anything, everybody and anyone.

Laissez les bon temps roule.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #330

yeah I know you did not ask!

As the 3.141592  regular readers of my silliness might remember, I have written about the blue birds in our yard in the past.  One such story was Señora’s Bluebird House.

I was mowing the yard today, and the last thing on my mind were birds, blue or otherwise.   As I went along the eastern fence in the back yard I suddenly felt a slight breeze, heard a fluttering sound, experienced light touches on my hair.  I had forgotten about the blue bird house there and as I went by it the occupants were attempting to protect their property.  The blue bird of happiness was driving me away.

Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me

Deep Dark Depression, Excessive Misery

It’s Tough Being an Old Man

It’s tough being an old man. I was sitting in Urgent Care waiting to be seen.  You know I was not feeling well as I would just about as soon be sitting in a prison cell with Bubba and Roscoe eyeing me lustfully than go to the doctor, any doctor.

My son and his girlfriend were here with their pandilla de muchachos over Memorial Day weekend. I became very ill the Wednesday Continue reading “It’s Tough Being an Old Man”

Es una aventura

What prompted the sharing of this anecdote was an exercise I did with one of my Spanish tutors.  He was using a book of exercises that included an anecdote that about a person going to Paris on vacation, arriving at the airport only to realize they had forgotten their passport, causing them to miss their flight.  Due to the delay the rest of their trip plans fell through too.

The idea being to relate a similar anecdote so I orally told him one about the time we arrived for a domestic flight at STL airport, and Señora had misplaced her driver’s license.  Fortunately, after much ado, they let us on the flight.  We had a friend get Robin’s passport from the house and overnight it to us in New Orleans for the return flight.  C’est la vie..laissez les bon temps roule.

Since he also wanted me to practice my writing he assigned me to write another anecdote for my “homework”.  The Spanish version is at the bottom for a couple of you nerds.  Here is the same story in English, but it is not a translation.

Trip of Adventure

For various reasons that are not important to the arc of this story, my ex’s mother gifted her Continue reading “Es una aventura”

Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5783.153

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

Señora and I were in Costco.  A gentleman more elderly than us passed us by with much promptitude.

I commented to Señora, “someone needs to call 911.”

When she looked at me queerly, I added, “someone stole his butt.”

The whole time she  was chastising me for my inappropriate, non-woke comment she was doing her damnedest to not burst out laughing.

The reality was that his posterior had fled to such an extent that I wondered how his britches maintained their position upon his waist without the succor of suspenders.

And so it was once upon a time in Costco.

Maximize Utility…Baby!

I dug this picture out of an old photo album.  Why will be clear in a moment. This particular photograph was taken mid to late 80s. I don’t really remember when, but I look exceedingly young in the picture.  The occasion was my finally surrendering a jogging t-shirt to the trash can goddess.  I only wore this particular garment while jogging, in Arkansas, on country roads.  Admittedly, all the cotton had fled from this polyester-cotton blend, rendering the t-shirt see through, but how good a t-shirt do you need to sweat in?

My ex (and probably the kidrens) “convinced” me that Continue reading “Maximize Utility…Baby!”