Quote of the Day — Turkish Proverb

When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.”~~ Turkish Proverb.

A little research revealed that this is not an actual Turkish proverb, but that the proverb has been adopted from a Circassian proverb:

“When an ox moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king, but the palace becomes a barn.”

Either one works for me to describe the current cluster f*** in Washington.

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Google Kowtowing to the Idiocracy

Screw Google and screw those idiots occupying the White House.  This the GULF OF MEXICO.  It is not the Gulf of America.  I am surprised El puto pendejo naranja  did not name it the Gulf of Trump.

I am so embarrassed to be a citizen of this country with such a person occupying the presidency.  I have been wanting to call this administration The Gang That Could Not Shoot Straight, but that would be a compliment for them.

When will this nightmare end?

I complained to Google about this change and it would wonderful if a lot of other folks did too.  However, they do not make it easy to send them feedback.  I hunted around for 10 minutes before I figured out how.  And then there is the fact that they really do not care what I think.

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I Discovered That I AM an Optimist! Thanks to Nancy Milam

A short video at the end.

Several years ago we began purchasing an annual streaming subscription to Great Courses Plus.  You may be familiar with this company as in the past they sold courses on audiotapes, then on DVD or downloadable. I think they still do some of this, but they have moved forcefully into the streaming world.

Since the morning of November 6, 2024, as a way of protecting my mental health from the cluster f*** that is currently happening in my once beloved country, I have stopped watching TV (again), listening to the radio, reading the news in the various formats that it comes in.  While it is impossible to prevent some news from bleeding through, I try to prevent that as much as possible.  Otherwise, I would be drunk or stoned all the time.  It simply is too difficult to watch the dissolution of something I once loved, something that was one of the few things I had faith in, my country.

However, this avoidance of the news has resulted in my Continue reading “I Discovered That I AM an Optimist! Thanks to Nancy Milam”

Somebody Please Explain to Me

Somebody please explain to me why tArse, President Muskrat and the dysfunctional association formerly known as the Republican Party are hell bent on destroying the American economy, the social safety net, our relationship with the rest of the world, the climate, and on and on…

A  new day, and another day of a stock market meltdown.

A  new day, and another day of other countries responding to this unfathomable trade war.

A  new day, and another day of praising dictators and disparaging anyone not genuflecting to his Royal Assness.

Someone please enlightened me.  Try as I might, none of this makes a lick of sense to me that this clown alley of misanthropic, malevolent misfits are attempting to accomplish.

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Quote of the Day — John Lewis

“Don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t give out. Don’t get lost in a sea of despair.” ~~ Rep. John Lewis

Howsomever, that hand with three fingers raised that you can barely see bobbing in the Sea of Despair belongs to yours truly.  Since they have given my country to a con man, I have lost all hope.

It is a nice thought though.

But so it should not go. We are a better people than the cluster f*** that happened last election… or so I used to think.

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

Happy Birthday to You

Saturday night Señora and I went to dinner with two other couples.  For our outing the group chose Lu Lu Seafood & Dim Sum, a Chinese restaurant.  To call Lu Lu’s a Chinese restaurant — given the American perception of what a Chinese restaurant is – smacks of comparing Mexican high cuisine to Taco Bell. It very definitely is not the Tex-Mex of Chinese food.

St. Louis has an older area that is more or less informally known as Chinatown.  There are many Chinese restaurants, supermarkets and other Chinese ran businesses in this area. Much of the Chinese population lives nearby.  I looked it up, and the demographers put the St. Louis Chinese population at around 13,000. I thought it was much larger than that.  For comparison those same demographers put Continue reading “Happy Birthday to You”

Quote of the Day — Robert A. Heinlein

“… I began to sense faintly that secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy . . . censorship. When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free.” “ Robert A. Heinlein in Revolt in 2100

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

Soy americana, también

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I have been working with a young Ecuadorian lady, Micaela, for years for Spanish conversation practice via Skype. She is interesting, curious, and intelligent. I pay for an hour of her time on iTalki, but we frequently find ourselves still conversing 10, 15 and on occasion 20 minutes after our allotted time, if she does not have a class backed up against mine.  She does have one trait that reminds me of my son.  She frequently plays Devil’s Advocate to whatever I say.  Sometimes I think this is just her personality, but I sometimes think it is her method of keeping the conversation going.  I have mentioned Devil’s Advocate Micaela in previous posts.

Awhile back we were having a conversation of which I do not remember the theme.  For some reason I made the comment Continue reading “Soy americana, también”