Another Reason I Vote Democratic

untitledIt is not that I am such a staunch Democrat.  I have a lot to not like about that party.   And like most politicians when they get elected their brains turn into mush. 

I used to be a government regulator.  My old boss told me one day that when you have them by the balls their heart and minds will follow.  Unfortunately, corporations and specials interests have our politicians by their financial testicles.  I think it is bad with both parties, but I think it is horrendous with the Republicans. 

The other issue with the Republicans is that they are ideologues.  The get some thought in the pea-pickin’ mushy brains and there it stays.  “No taxes” and pro-life are good example of that. 

It all boils down to that I find the Democrats the lesser of two evils.  When I read something like the following, I begin to wonder what motivates the Republicans.  For the 30 Republicans who voted against this amendment, it had to be  a perfect storm of mush for brains, knee jerk beliefs, and twisted testicles.   I have no idea of how these folks sleep at night.

A young clerical worker of KBR (please read Dick Cheney’s former company Halliburton) was brutally raped in Iraq probably by some co-workers.  Her employment contract precluded her from seeking damages from the company except by arbitration. KBR’s lawyers have dragged this poor young lady through mud and hell.  Her case is going to the Supreme Court.  I can only pray they do not continue their current rash of politically motivated decisions.

Senator Al Franken added an amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, “which   withholds defense contracts from companies that “restrict their employees from taking workplace sexual assault, battery and discrimination cases to court.”  Sounds like a basic right that is guaranteed to all US citizens in the workplace.  But apparently, not if you worked for Halliburton overseas. 

30 male Republicans voted against the amendment. 

Read about in this Slate article: Open the Shut Case
Why is KBR so afraid of letting Jamie Leigh Jones have her day in court?

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