Am I a 3 eyed Martian?

Here is another reason I worry about this country. These folks are dangerous and harmful to this country. If they believe what they say, they have serious mental problems. My belief is that they do for the ratings which is really for the money that ends up in their pockets, or to put it succinctly GREED. And it is greed is what has driven this country to the brink of economic depression.

This not sane, considered debate about policies and the direction this country needs to take. It is rabble rousing and propaganda for profit. And if that is love of country I am a 3 eyed Martian.

3 Replies to “Am I a 3 eyed Martian?”

  1. Methinks that it is more so greed and power (of the spoken word). They have just GOT to fill in their time slot with SOMETHING. Why is it that you rarely hear anything POSITIVE on these shows?!?!?!?

    For most parts, I’ve stopped listening. The thought “KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE AND YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER” comes to mind when I completely remove myself from the talk shows (both radio and television).

  2. I was told that conservatives were (supposedly more) patriotic.

    It does not sound like they are rooting for this country; they sound like a bunch of anarchist who only care seem to advance their agenda.

    Bad Karma.


  3. I have an idea…..
    Like in the times of Egypt and the Jewish slaves….Take the blood of an animal and put it on the door of the conservative right. Then take the whole family and put them in a lower income neighborhood for a generation. Take those who live in these lower class neighborhoods and put them in the homes of the wealthy. Give these folks a good job, a moderate income, good schools and the rest of the money goes towards improving education, health care for all, environmental restoration and other changes that need to be done to restore a balanced, healthy country.


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