A Scary Polls on Yahoo

I don’t know a lot about James Buchanan, but for my money George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan vie for the worst president of all times.

Reagan was a disaster for the common man, promoting the greed of the already rich and powerful.   By ignoring the energy crisis, he has left us decades behind where we need to be in a world where fossils fuels are ruining the environment and oil dependency hampers the economy.  His zest for deregulation has been disastrous for things from the environment to the middle class sustaining unions.  I will not even get into the farce of supply side economics.

 Yet we have nearly 50% in this unscientific poll selecting Reagan over FDR or Abraham Lincoln.  If there was ever a champion of the common man it was FDR.

“Arguably, the descent into this dark fantasyland – that Ronald Reagan began in the early 1980s – reached its nadir in the flag-waving early days of the Iraq War. Only gradually did reality begin to reassert itself as the death toll mounted in Iraq and the Katrina disaster reminded Americans why they needed an effective government.

Still, the disasters – set in motion by Ronald Reagan – continued to roll in. Bush’s Reagan-esque tax cuts for the rich blew another huge hole in the federal budget and the Reagan-esque anti-regulatory fervor led to a massive financial meltdown that threw the nation into economic chaos.”

From the article ~~ Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever? by Robert Parry

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