A Company That Does Things Right

When I first purchased my 2006 Mazda MX-5 Miata, I purchased a set of WeatherTech® All-Weather floor mats. They worked fine for many years. Eventually the mat on the driver’s side wore through. So I jumped on the Internet to find a 2857_1_lgreplacement set. I did so at AutoAccessoriesGarage.com. I plugged in the year and make of vehicle, and up popped a set that appeared to be the same as the set I was replacing. I ordered them.

They arrived in a timely fashion. Upon opening the box in preparation of replacing the old I discovered the mats were minus the retainer holes that the retainer pegs go into for the driver’s side mat. I thought about returning them, but returning something is a hassle. I thought at worse it would be a minor inconvenience, so in they went.

I rock along for a few weeks, occasionally having to reposition the mat, but for the most part not thinking about them. One day as I was accelerating hard to get onto the freeway, the car’s engine would not stop racing or accelerating. I bumped the gearshift into the neutral position to give myself some time, but I quickly realized that the gas pedal was jammed on the floor mat. Repositioning the mat solved my immediate problem.

My long term solution was to drill a couple holes in the mat so I could pop the retainer pegs through the mat. This, of course, kept the mat from shifting around. My next step was to write a letter to AutoAccessoriesGarage.com detailing the situation as I have for you. My concern was that this was a design flaw (especially so as the previous mats had the holes for the retainer pegs) that needed to be addressed. Having written these types of letters before, I expected it to end there.

A few weeks later I get a call from AutoAccessoriesGarage.com. They had passed my letter onto the manufacturer, McNeil Automotive Products Limited. The manufacturer wanted make things right, by sending me a set of DigitFit floor liners. The all weather mats retail for $69.95. The floor liners retail for $127.95. I had reasoned that $70 was enough to spend to keep mud and wear off of my car’s carpet. I agreed that this was satisfactory, and they quickly arrived. The floor liners do fit like they were digitally scanned for my vehicle. While the all weather look fine, the floor liners are a little nicer.

How nice and unexpected of these two companies. I suppose they might have been a little concerned about a lawsuit, but that was not my intention. I just thought they had a safety issue that they needed to be addressed. So often customer service is an afterthought, but it was not so with these two companies.

Thank you, AutoAccessoriesGarage.com and McNeil Automotive Products Limited aka WeatherTech

One Reply to “A Company That Does Things Right”

  1. Ahhh, you keep this up and will have to re-title your website so that “curmudgeon” does not appear! 🙂

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