A Common Attitude of Viejos???

As one of my brothers so delightfully pointed out to me, I have entered my 8th decade. For most of my adult life I have more or less tried to live a reasonably healthy life style.

I put down the cigarettes when I was 31. Drugs have never been my thing, and even if they had been, keeping a job in corporate America would have put them on a back burner.

I have and still do exercise regularly. Currently I do a combination of stretches, weights and aerobic exercises for an hour or more on an average of five times a week.  With Señora’s help I have a more or less healthy diet. She cooks regularly and prepared foods are not our thing.  My sweet tooth does get out of control from time to time however. It certainly would not hurt anything if I lost 7 or 8 kilograms. I do enjoy my nightly nightcap which probably has a lot to do with those extra inches around my middle.

I do more than a few things to keep my brain active, read, write these silly blog postings, study various subjects, and as Señora once pointed out to me I have a lot of expensive hobbies.

I would be very happy being a hermit, but Señora makes sure I get more social interaction than I am generally comfortable with.

I see my doctor and dentist regularly, and for the most part follow their advice.  I am not prone to risky behaviors… we won’t count jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, bouncing down a cliff with a rope around my waist, or the occasional white water excursion.  I wear my seat belt religiously.  Heck I even wear a helmet when I bicycle.

I generally try to take care of myself.

But here lately, I have found myself more than once going, “WTF, I am going to be dead in a few years. What’s the big deal if I do XYZ or if I do not do ABC?”  So far I have managed to slap myself in the face, and give myself a good talking to about my attitude. But I find myself creeping closer and closer to the edge of WTF cliff. I do wonder if this is a common attitude as we head for the exit.

And so it is going???

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2 Replies to “A Common Attitude of Viejos???”

  1. Hello, Curmudgeon,
    I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts!

    This time, I couldn’t resist sharing a few thoughts.

    On occasion, I find myself in a slight quandary regarding choices as we enter into this later phase of the journey.
    However, I continue to choose wisely in the hopes that it really matters. I suppose we’ll see!
    All too often, in absolutely gratitude, yet total disbelief, I’m asking myself, “Am I really this old?!” How-When?!?
    If you’ll recall, at a time in our younger years, “we” made a fun/crazy decision & I was jumping out of the very same -perfectly good airplane as you and your Señora on that beautiful day!
    I believe we drew straws to determine the order we jumped. Wow.
    Life changing, empowering, but
    Talk about Crazy!
    Thankfully, I have gained much wisdom since then!
    And Now…whether it’s an WTF~XYZ~ABC dilemma,
    as we all inch our way (as you so eloquently put it) to the exit…
    I wonder if I shouldn’t adopt more of the Wtf attitude? I’ll definitely consider it.
    Yet, For sure, I Am keeping my attitude in check (sans the slap) and I will continue to kick and scream my way S.L.O.W.L.Y. to that So called Exit and to the next journey!

    Deb R.

  2. Just don’t let that urge allow you to click on those spam e-mail virus links and/or attachments.

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