Banks, Breasts, Bamboozled

I quit Bank of America a while back as I decided I did not want to do business with them.  I have major problems with their business practices.  So I switched to Regions.  Now they have started charging customers for the use debit cards.  I decided to quit them and open up an account with the company credit union.  Dollars are votes after all.

To effectuate the change I went to the credit union branch just across from my office.  The branch manager is a young woman of maybe 30 years.  She invites me into her office to do the necessaries involved in opening up a new account.  She was an attractive enough young lady, but no knock out.  She was however wearing a top with a very low scoop neck and some sort of brassiere that barely covered her nipples.  I personally do not find this appropriate business wear, but maybe that is just me.  Just sitting talking to her I was getting an eyeful even though part of me was trying not to look.  She was seated at a rather large desk. Every time she leaned forward to have me sign something or to explain some sheet of paper the show became unbearable.  After the second or third leaning I gave up and started enjoying the show.  I was trying to be somewhat discreet about it, but I seriously doubt that I was.

When our transaction was over, I so wanted to thank her for her…efforts.  I do not smoke, and I seriously needed a cigarette when I left there.

What gives with this?  I know that breasts are all the fashion rage right now, but this seemed a little over the top.  Have all our young women become exhibitionists.  I was definitely a voyeur in this situation.  My girlfriend has a friend about our age who is big breasted and likes to show the girls off.  My girlfriend asked her one time why she displayed the goods like that.  Her reply was that it was power.  She just loved how it seemed to confuse the male population as to their behavior.  I was definitely confused that day.

The confusion confuses me.  At this stage of my life I cannot number the sets of breasts that I have seen.  One would think it would stop having such a big influence over my behavior.  But that does not seem to be the case.  Of course, part of me is grateful that they still do.  Are today’s young men jaded having seen these displays all their life?  I hope not.

So what is the proper etiquette in this situation? Should I be staring at the ceiling?  One part of me wanted to maintain eye contact, but looking someone in the eyes too long can bring on another set of issues.  Another part of me assumes that if she is showing the goods to that extent she wants folks to be checking out her wares.  As a considerate human being should I be accommodating her?  What is a fella to do?

2 Replies to “Banks, Breasts, Bamboozled”

  1. I’m old school, checking them out and trying to not get busted. If I DO get busted, and I get a smile, then I know it’s ok. A man can only resist so much. Breasts are like the Borg – Resistance is Futile.

  2. Thumbs UP for Ta-Tas!!!! If they are there to be seen, then I’ll do my part to see them.

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