3:39 a.m. – Random Thoughts

Staring at the unseen ceiling at 03:39 a.m. with random thoughts trying to rattle their way into or maybe out of my thoughts…

  • Life is a machine for generating regrets
  • Never regret being kind, even when it does not work out the way you intended.  It was still the right thing to do
  • It’s worn and trite and all too true… when it is all said and done all we have are each other
  • When I was young used to think old age was the way God prepared folks so they could let go of life. Now as someone on the cusp of that phase of my life, I think old age and the ungraceful exit so many people get to make is proof that there is no god, that there is no intelligent design.
  • We need to remember that most of us most of the time are really doing the best we can
  • Not only do we need to forgive each other, we need to forgive ourselves
  • All too often we take things far too seriously when it is just the other person stuck in their own bag of skin

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