3 Viagra Stories

My mother going for a ride in LI BLU


I bought my 2006 top-of-the-line Mazda MX-5 (a rose is a rose by any name…so Miata works) almost new in May of 2007. The 50ish gentleman I bought it from had fallen in love with a younger women with two small children.  He needed a family car to accommodate his new family,  and so he was desperate to sell.  I worked the deal and paid a very reasonable price for the car.  I almost felt sorry for him, but a deal is a deal.

If you are not familiar with a Miata it is a little two seat convertible.  Mine is a bright blue that has become reasonably popular the last few years.  Back then it was unique.  At the time I was dating a little Mexican gal.  She looked at my new acquisition and said, “Let me see… little… blue… oh your Viagra car!”  To which I replied, “Thanks? Sally!”

I did however make lemonade from that, and the vanity plate on my car reads “LI’ BLU”.  People tend to want to talk to me about my car, and especially about my license plate.  I’ve told the above story countless times.


The other day the speed demon that is Señora Weinhaus and I took LI’  BLU for a trip south of St. Louis to a winery and then to Ste. Genevieve for dinner.  I can get on back roads through national forests and put the car through its paces.  Just picture a 60ish women with her hands in the air going “whee” as I slam it down into 5th to power it through a curve.

We had stopped somewhere in Podunck, Missouri to gas up.   As I was doing so  I realized there was a country looking woman in a van talking to me.  She was admiring my car and wanted to know about the license plate.  I did not want to go through the whole story so I improvised a shortened version. I told her since the car was little and blue I wanted   a plate that read “VIAGRA”, but the DMV would not give it to me. So I settled on LI’ BLU.  She relayed the story to someone in the back of the van and I thought both of them would fall out on the tarmac laughing.


This is unrelated to the above two.  Many years ago when Viagra was still somewhat newish, I was in Muskogee visiting my parents.  When I did that I would sometimes sneak out to one of the golf courses there and play a round by myself.  This was post my father’s stroke who after that tragedy could not play golf anymore.

If you are not a golfer you might not know that hitting a ball very close to the hole from the tee or the  fairway is know as “hitting it stiff“.  Since I was playing by myself I was playing fairly rapidly  and I over took a foursome that was two couples.  They were going to let me play through on the par 3 after they had  hit their tee shots.  They proceeded to do so.  One of the women hit her ball very close to the pin and starting jumping up  and down yelling, “a Viagra shot, a Viagra shot”.

Keep well.

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