Just do the Funky Leon

I have a dear friend whom I have known for 7 or 8 years.  His name is Leon, but I tend to call him many things.  Brother Leon or Brother J are two of my favorite, not that he is associated with a church in any capacity. It just seems to fit.

When I lived a little further south I used to golf with him at least once a week.  In the nice part of the year that once a week was usually  2 or 3 times a week.  Life being what life is.  And the economy being what it is, I have moved a couple times since I first met him.  I’ve gone from being a military brat to a computer gypsy.  Anyway you look at it I am not gathering any moss.

We do try to get together a few times a year to play golf and renew our friendship.  Needless to say, Brother Leon knows my swing well.  Since he does, I do not mind him giving me advice about my swing from time to time.  He is usually dead on as to my particular issue that day.  I could blame my mediocre golf game on lack of any real athletic ability!  Well, okay, I will do that.  One of my poorer tendencies in my golf swing is to get way too fast.  Fast in golf swing seldom equates to distance or a  good ball flight. Continue reading “Just do the Funky Leon”

Redneck Bookends

We all travel in many circles in our life.  I travel in several myself, and dip my toe in a few others.  I’m golfer which is one circle.  I’m a programmer which is a work or geek circle.  I’ll let you choose.  I travel in the middle class circle, but I am probably just a few missed paychecks from not being there.  I’m an Okie.  I’m a male.  My girlfriend is Jewish.  One of the best friends I have ever had is black.  I count gay and lesbian folks among my friends.  I know folks up and down the economic scale.  I could name many more circles, but you get the idea. All of these are circles with their own set of rules and culture.

I’ve been to weddings that were sit down affairs with a full dinner, open bar and everyone dressed in tuxedos and evening gowns.  I’ve been to weddings in pastures where you had to be careful where you stepped to avoid the meadow muffins.

My daughter-in-law wanted me to attend the wedding of her brother.  The main reason was because her parents had never met any of her husband’s family.  I thought it a small kindness I could easily do with pleasure.  Besides, I was afraid her parents might be thinking my son Continue reading “Redneck Bookends”

Faces on Meth, A Disturbing Reality

Note: At the bottom of this post you will find a link to view the Faces of Meth.

If you are walking at night and come to the edge of the cliff, the smart thing to do is turn around.  If you take another step the result is not likely to be good.  Many drugs fall into the same category.  To start taking some drugs is like walking up to that cliff edge, only the results are not so veiled.  There have been many folks that have gone before you that have crashed and burned on the rocks below.

In the early 70s I lived in Rhode Island.  I was single, and occasionally would party with a group of folks.  Usually it was beer drinking and some pot.  I had an ambivalent relationship with pot.  Sometimes it made feel nice and mellow.  Sometimes, though, it made me feel depressed and paranoid.   I can achieve depression all by my lonesome, and feeling paranoid is no fun.  At some point I decided that I did not like rolling the dice with unsure results.  So I quit smoking pot.  One evening before I quit,  I went to visit my party friends.  I walked in the house and they were all sitting around the coffee table.  Upon the table were needles, a tourniquet, and other heavy duty drug paraphernalia. Continue reading “Faces on Meth, A Disturbing Reality”

New Rule

If you are going to sag your pants down below your buttocks while wearing white boxers, you must use bleach whenever it is that you wash those things.  Just in case you have not figured out your greyish boxers are particularly revolting.  And I would bet you a house payment that they are not attracting the fairer sex.

Baggy/sagging pants, the defining link proving that “fashion” is bogus, and following the group is frequently stupid.


Coffee Chatter

My lady friend and I are involved in a bicity relationship.  The bicity relationship came up as a result of the economy that resulted with me being laid off in St. Louis.  At my age I felt fortunate to find another job in my field…anywhere.

On weekends either I drive to see her in St. Louis or she drives to see me in Memphis.  Nearly everybody in my office knows this.  I came to work after the three day weekend.  The first thing I needed to do was get some java.  I was in the break room taking care of task one when one of my teammates walks in.

Making small talk she asked, “How was your weekend?”

I replied, “Fine.”

She then asked, “Did you go to St. Louis?”

“No,” I replied, “St. Louis came here.”

There was a fellow from the other side of the building pouring some coffee.  It would have been hard to not listen to the conversation.

He asked, “Who is St. Louis?  An exotic dancer?” Continue reading “Coffee Chatter”

Oy Vey — To Bris or Not To Bris

Author’s note:   As Jack Friday would say, “The names of the participants in this have been changed to protect the innocent.”  That and so hopefully they will not beat the H-E-double hockey sticks out of me.

Last November my girlfriend, Gaia, and myself went to see the wonderful musician, Ellis Paul.  We invited Apollo to come with us even though the music was not his beloved opera.  Gaia and Apollo have been close friends for many, many years.   While I have not known Apollo as long, I consider him a friend also.  Apollo is perhaps 10 or 12 years older than Gaia and I.  He is retired from a technical position with the US government.  He is a very bright, a very Italian, gay gentleman.  He is a kind, genuine individual.  It is always interesting and entertaining to be around him.  He is one of those individuals that seem to live life to its fullest, and he does so with great joy.

After a wonderful evening of  music with Ellis Paul, Gaia and I took Apollo back to his abode.  He invited us in for some cheese and wine before we ventured back to the wilds of Chesterfield.  We visited for a while enjoying good wine and some cheese that Apollo had crafted himself.  I went to the bathroom and when I returned the conversation had turned to circumcision!  Apollo could not understand why it is so widely practiced in a non-Jewish nation such as the United States.    Continue reading “Oy Vey — To Bris or Not To Bris”